Wednesday, September 29, 2004

You, too, could easily become a millionaire winemaker. Not!

Anyone, who is interested in making his/her own wine and hoping to make money at it, needs to read "Don't give up the day job" ( to find out how much work and money goes into building up a successful personal winery.

"It will be eight years before it makes a profit (which could be next year), with serious costs each year - over $100,000 every year," he says matter-of-factly.

"That just means more working hours and that’s been quite a pressure, working longer hours to make it happen."

So, why do it? Here's a response:

"I love the natural ebb and flow of the seasons," he says. "I love the almost restful, artisanal quality of winemaking at the rather small level that I undertake it. This enables me to do it with a degree of Zen, if I can put it that way. And I value that."